biogas UBF reactor tanks

2017-10-21 08:42:16  By:NVirotech Bolted Tank (1716)

what is biogas UBF reactor tanks?

biogas UBF reactor tanks is the main site of the biogas reaction, is the main tank in the UBF reactor, which is the latest generation of construction materials for UBF reactors, which are environmentally durable and cheaper.

biogas UBF reactor tanks

biogas UBF reactor tanks control mode, anaerobic biological treatment is an effective process of high concentration organic wastewater treatment reactor, anaerobic sludge bed is a kind of anaerobic biological treatment reactor) with anaerobic filter and the dual characteristics of anaerobic activated sludge process the structure. biogas UBF reactor tanks operation maintenance and management is relatively simple, relatively low cost, mature technology, brought to the attention of the sewage treatment industry, widely welcome and applications.

biogas UBF anaerobic reactor control mode, anaerobic biological treatment reactor mainly include: the anaerobic contact process, anaerobic filter, upflow anaerobic sludge bed anaerobic fluidized bed, granular sludge bed (EGSB) expansion, etc. UASB reactor tank is a widely used, mature and efficient anaerobic treatment device. According to statistics, the UASB anaerobic reactor accounts for 60% of all the various anaerobic reactors in operation in China and the world.

biogas CSTR tank manufacturer

biogas CSTR tank manufacturer

biogas UBF reactor tanks of NVirotech

biogas UBF reactor tanks working principle is set the upper part of the gas and solid, liquid three-phase separator, the lower part of sludge suspension layer and sludge bed, wastewater by uniform pumping sludge bed area at the bottom of the reactor, and anaerobic sludge fully contact reaction, organic matter is decomposed into biogas anaerobic microorganisms.

Liquid, gas and solids form a mixture flow to the three-phase separator in biogas UBF reactor tanks, so that the three are well separated, and the organic compounds above 80 percent are converted bolted biogas reactor to complete the wastewater treatment process. biogas UBF reactor tanks of NVirotech advantages are mainly reflected in the formation of granular sludge, which greatly improves the concentration of sludge in the reactor, so that the time of water retention is greatly reduced, thus improving operation efficiency.

biogas UBF reactor tanks precipitation area located in the top of the reactor, the waste water from the bottom of the reactor into, up through the sludge bed area contact with a lot of anaerobic bacteria, the organic matter in the wastewater is decomposed into biogas anaerobic bacteria (main component is CH4 and CO2), the waste water in the process of riser with methane and solid anaerobic bacteria.

Biogas is separated in the gas chamber, and the treated water is drained from the top of the reactor and the wastewater is completed. biogas UBF reactor Most of the sludge can be returned to the sludge bed area, which can keep enough biomass inside the reactor.

biogas assembled tank

biogas assembled tank

It can be seen that the whole time of the first half of the biological reaction and precipitation in biogas UBF reactor tanks , the reactor is not equipped with mechanical stirring, not filling, the construction is relatively simple, the operation management is convenient.


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