polyplast biogas plant tank

2020-09-09 22:28:26  By:NVirotech Bolted Tank (1296)

polyplast biogas plant tank introduce

polyplast biogas plant tank combines sewage treatment with its rational utilization, and realizes the recycling of sewage.

polyplast biogas plant tank

In the practice of rural domestic sewage treatment in China, polyplast biogas plant tank is the most common, economical and can reflect the combination of environmental and social benefits

biogas assembled tank

biogas assembled tank

Most of the organics in the sewage are produced biogas after anaerobic fermentation, and most of the organics are removed from the fermented sewage to achieve purification purpose; the polyplast biogas plant tank produced can be used as cooking energy for bathroom and family;

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polyplast biogas plant tank the sewage after anaerobic fermentation can be used as irrigation water and ornamental water.Biogas digester is simple in technology, low in cost (about 1000 yuan for a household), and basically zero in operation cost, which is suitable for farmers' families. Moreover, in combination with the kitchen, toilet and circle transformation in rural areas

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the piggery sewage and domestic sewage can be used as farmland fertilizer after anaerobic fermentation in biogas digester. After the biogas slurry is collected by the pipe network, polyplast biogas plant tank will be intensively purified, and the effluent water quality will be discharged after meeting the national standard.

polyplast biogas plant tank description

In rural areas, there are a lot of polyplast biogas plant tank that can be used as biogas, such as crop straw and human and animal manure. The results show that the energy utilization efficiency of crop straw can be increased by 4-5 times than that of direct combustion by polyplast biogas plant tank

the utilization efficiency of nutrients and energy can be increased by 20% by biogas slurry and biogas residue as feed; the nutrients of carbon, phosphorus and potassium are not lost by anaerobic fermentation of manure (biogas slurry and biogas residue).

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polyplast biogas plant tank and they can be transformed into directly available active nutrients - farmland application Biogas fertilizer can replace part of chemical fertilizer.


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